Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Sun, 28 Oct 1990 01:13:07 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Precedence: junk Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Sun, 28 Oct 1990 01:12:35 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V12 #504 SPACE Digest Volume 12 : Issue 504 Today's Topics: Payload Status for 10/24/90 (Forwarded) Re: --- Space Station Budget --- * SpaceNews 29-Oct-90 * Re: A great idea on how to fund NASA! Re: HST summary 10/22/90 Navy UFO Post Explained Re: Some interesting SSME specifications. Re: Magellan Update - 10/26/90 Administrivia: Submissions to the SPACE Digest/ should be mailed to Other mail, esp. [un]subscription notices, should be sent to, or, if urgent, to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Oct 90 21:26:02 GMT From:! (Peter E. Yee) Subject: Payload Status for 10/24/90 (Forwarded) Daily Status/KSC Payload Management and Operations 10-24-90. - STS-35 ASTRO-1/BBXRT (at Pad-B) Power on experiment and subsystem health checks were completed yesterday. Experiment monitoring continues. - STS-41 Ulysses (at OPF) The IUS ASE will be removed from the payload bay today. - STS-38 DoD MMSE support (at SPIF) The canister preps for payload transfer continue. - STS-39 AFP-675/IBSS/STP-01 (at CCAFS) CITE preps and ground software development will be active today. - STS-40 SLS-1 (at O&C) Module closeouts continue along with MVAK training. - STS-37 GRO (at PHSF) Functional testing will be performed today. - STS-42 IML-1 (at O&C) Module and experiment staging will continue today. - STS-45 Atlas-1 (at O&C) Experiment and pallet staging continue. - STS-46 TSS-1 (at O&C) Experiment and pallet staging will continue today. - STS-47 Spacelab-J (at O&C) Rack and floor staging continues. - STS-67 LITE-1 (at O&C) Pallet staging continues. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Oct 90 16:40:23 GMT From:!!caen!! (Ken Sheppardson) Subject: Re: --- Space Station Budget --- (Henry Spencer) writes: >> (Charles Frank Radley) writes: >> >>What is meant by "manned capability" as opposed to MTC or PMC ? > >It means "do the same thing, but for less money". 'Man-tended' : Every once in a while when the shuttle goes up, stop by to turn things on and off, install an experiment or two, collect samples, and fix things. 'Manned' : Drop folks off and leave them there for a while now and then, but design the station such that people don't have to be there to take care of things. [Mir is 'manned'] 'Perm Manned': Keep someone there all the time to take care of things. Ken Sheppardson ------------------------------ Date: 27 Oct 90 15:52:41 GMT From:!rpi!!masscomp!ocpt!tsdiag!ka2qhd! (John Magliacane) Subject: * SpaceNews 29-Oct-90 * SB SPACE @ ALLBBS < KD2BD $SPC1029 * SpaceNews 29-Oct-90 * Bulletin ID: $SPC1029 ========= SpaceNews ========= MONDAY OCTOBER 29, 1990 SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, New Jersey, United States. It is published every week and is made available for unlimited distribution. * DOVE NEWS * ============= The following message from N4HY was recently carried on DOVE-1/OSCAR-17: DOVE-1>BRAMST : The new file system will be loaded to PACSAT and BBS operations will commence in the next couple of days. Upon testing file system there, DOVE will be reloaded. This will occur next week. 73 de BM Oct. 18 * PACSAT NEWS * =============== The MicroSAT BBS has been tested on the ground engineering unit, and is now ready for uploading to AO-16. The satellite BBS software was written by Jeff Ward, G0/K8KA, at UoSAT and was ported to the microsats by NK6K. The porting was easily achieved, as there are only 10 lines of code that are different between the UoSAT version and the Microsat version. A lot of effort went into the design of the BBS, operating system, and other support code to make that possible. Once complete, the following elements will be available: 256k file system: This is just half of one of the four available banks of bank switched memory. The more complete file system using all four banks and the 6MB mass memory will be uploaded after more testing. FTL0 file server: This implements the protocol described in the FTL0 document, available on CIS, the 9th ARRL Networking Conference proceedings, and elsewhere. It allows file uploading, downloading, and a simple directory display. It requires the use of software at the groundstation: a simple version, called "PG" has been written by Jeff and will be on CIS soon. Broadcast server: This implements the broadcast protocol as described along with FTL0 and has been running for several weeks on UO-14, and a few people have rolled their own receive program, at least one written in BASIC. A simple version, called "KISSUI" has been written by Jeff and will be on CIS soon. After this is loaded, the following separate programs will be running on AO-16: Kernel - Operating system - NK6K/Quadron AX25 - AX25 driver - NK6K/WB6YMH/Quadron, pd on a KA9Q AX25 implementation. PHT - Spacecraft control, power management & program loader - N4HY/NK6K AARTD - AART driver - NK6K/WB6YMH MFILE - File system - G0/K8KA/UoSAT FTL0 - File upload/download - G0/K8KA/UoSAT PBP - File broadcaster - G0/K8KA/UoSAT [Story via OSCAR-11] * OSCAR-13 NEWS * ================= Command Stations performed magnetorquing procedures near perigee of orbits on October 15-17. The new transponder schedule is as follows: Mode-B : MA 000 to 095 Mode-JL: MA 095 to 125 Mode-LS: MA 125 to 130 Mode-S : MA 130 to 135 Mode-BS: MA 135 to 140 Mode-B : MA 140 to 256 Omnis : MA 220 to 040 This schedule is expected to continue throu 26-Dec-90. The spacecraft attitude is BLON = 180 and BLAT = 0. * TNX QSL! * ============ A special thanks to all those who sent QSLs, cards and letters to SpaceNews: NL7LL : Gary Freitag, Ketchikan, Alaska, U.S.A. VE2HLT: Claude Pare', Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada 4X4LF : Shlomo Goldstein, Negev, Israel ...and packet radio messages: KE2UK : Ron in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. WA2NDV: Frank in New York, New York, U.S.A. KC3IL : Seth in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. WD4BRP: Bill in King, North Carolina, U.S.A. W7VME : Millard in North Bend, Washington, U.S.A. WB7UBC: Greg Erk in Montrose, Colorado, U.S.A. WT0N : BJ in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. VE7GCT: Glenn in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada * FEEDBACK WELCOMED * ===================== Feedback regarding SpaceNews can be directed to the editor (John) via any of the following paths: UUCP : AMPR : KD2BD @ NN2Z.NJ.USA.NA MAIL : John A. Magliacane Department of Electronics Technology Advanced Technology Center Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road Lincroft, New Jersey 07738 U.S.A. << If you like what you see, send us your QSL card! >> /EX -- John A. Magliacane FAX : (908) 747-7107 Electronics Technology Department AMPR : KD2BD @ NN2Z.NJ.USA.NA Brookdale Community College UUCP : ...!rutgers!ka2qhd!kd2bd Lincroft, NJ 07738 USA VOICE: (908) 842-1900 ext 607 ------------------------------ Date: 28 Oct 90 04:26:52 GMT From: naucse! (Robert Wier) Subject: Re: A great idea on how to fund NASA! > No need to go to all that trouble. I'd bet that you could sell solid > marbles that've been in space. > > Or cheaper yet, sell marbles that have been melted into blobs by the > heat of the shuttle main engines. This need not be done at an actual > launch, but a special dedicated engine (maybe an old one not spaceworthy > anymore) could be set up to mass produce the goods. :^) > > I'd buy that for a dollar. > > > Patrick Draper ---- Michigan State University This kind of reminds me of the "flag over the capitol" thing run (or used to be run) by the government. It used to be that you could write your congressdroid and get a US flag that had flown over the capitol (or was it the white house? or both?). These got to be quite collectors items if they were in use on a notable day (trivia note... Nov 22, 1963? July 20, 1969...). However, demand got so great that eventually 3 flagpoles were installed adjacent to each other, and 3 people were employed to run flags up and down the poles (I think they let them fly for 30 seconds or some such time) in 8 hour shifts... -bw - Bob Wier -------------- insert favorite standard disclaimers here ---------- College of Engineering Northern Arizona University / Flagstaff, Arizona Internet: | BITNET: WIER@NAUVAX | WB5KXH or uucp: ...arizona!naucse!rrw ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 90 16:44:37 GMT From: mnetor!utzoo! (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: HST summary 10/22/90 In article <> roberts@CMR.NCSL.NIST.GOV (John Roberts) writes: > - The other major problem is the jitter in the solar arrays. [It was stated >that these were provided by ESA - I hadn't realized that. Perhaps the same >company that designed Galileo's thrusters? :-) ] ... Nope, the HST solar arrays are from British Aerospace, and the Galileo thrusters are from MBB I think. -- The type syntax for C is essentially | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology unparsable. --Rob Pike | utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 90 19:56:00 GMT From: sgi!cdp!dyurman@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: Navy UFO Post Explained Readers of this list protesting the entry of "Navy Witholding Evidence" may wish to know that the person entering the article was not authorized to use the ID in question, and that this ID has been revoked by the supporting network. The person in charge of the organization which held the ID knows who made the post and is working with that individual to prevent future incidents. The manager and system administrator of the supporting network have conveyed its apologies to any who were upset by the post which appeared in SCI.SPACE as well as other newsgroups. I am not affiliated in any way with the management of that network, just a recipient of one of their apology, which might otherwise not appear here. * -------------------------------------- * Dan Yurman * * Internet dyurman@cdp.uucp * -------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 25 Oct 90 17:05:34 GMT From: usc!samsung!umich!sharkey!cfctech!teemc!fmeed1! (Russ Cage) Subject: Re: Some interesting SSME specifications. Anybody else notice that said propaganda sheet didn't have a single hard number in it? It was all in battleship-powers or 747-thrusts or.... -- Russ Cage Ford Powertrain Engineering Development Department Work:!cfctech!fmeed1!cage (CHATTY MAIL NOT ANSWERED HERE) Home: (All non-business mail) Member: HASA, "S" division. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Oct 90 22:55:15 GMT From: unmvax!!!wuarchive!emory!att@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (DALE GARY) Subject: Re: Magellan Update - 10/26/90 In article <>, (Stuart Warmink) writes... >> A decision was made to suspend mapping at the end of orbit #676, 6:33 AM >> PDT on Friday, October 26. The spacecraft stopped its mapping maneuvers, and >> will hold its position with the High Gain Antenna pointed to earth and the >> solar panels directed toward the sun. > >As the Sun lies pretty much in between Magellan and Earth, won't the >dish antenna be rather effective at focussing the Sun's light and heat >at the secondary reflector and perhaps even the receiver/transmitter? >I guess it all depends on how good the dish's surface is at reflecting >those wavelenghts without scattering. Is the surface shiny? >-- >------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Stuart Warmink, Whippany, NJ, USA | sw@cbnewsl.ATT.COM | Hi! >------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Actually, some of us make a living pointing radio telescopes at the Sun! The reflector surfaces are painted white, and normally do not reflect enough sunlight to do damage. However, with our 27 meter diameter dishes at Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory, we found out the hard way what happens when the dishes are shiny. We burned up four feeds in about a half hour one cold morning when the dishes were frosty. The sunshine melted the frost and made for pretty good specular reflection, costing us $8000 in repair bills. We have a brightness sensor now, that automatically scrams the dishes when over-bright. I suppose the problem is more acute with 70 meter diameter dishes. Dale Gary ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V12 #504 *******************